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This memorial website was created to remember our dearest America's Brave who served for the United States and either Passed away or was Killed in the Line of Duty. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.


This website was created in the Loving Memory of America's Brave. 
The ones who fought and the ones who gave their lives for Our Freedom!
Also Fire Fighters & Police Officers, who have Served and Protected us.
God Bless each and everyone of you. You've made our world a better place!
Let's also remember to keep our living hero's in our prayers!

NOTE: If you want a loved one added to this site, further down 
is an email address that can be used. Thank you!




Honor them by remembering
Is their gift to us.

Please take a moment to lite a candle.

A Soldier is not Dead until they are Forgotten....

Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away....

Please take time to visit the sites below also...Thank you!

 And remember, these are Elementary & High School CHILDREN!!

Click here: Battle Hymn


We must never forget who gets the
credit for the freedoms we have, of
which we should be eternally grateful.

I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform;
so young, so tall, so proud.
With hair cut square and eyes alert,
he'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil;
how many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?

I heard the sound of Taps one night,
when everything was still.
I listened to the bugler play
and felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
that Taps had meant 'Amen.'
When a flag had draped a coffin
of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
of the mothers and the wives,
of fathers, sons and
husbands with interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard,
at the bottom of the sea.
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.


This is a phenomenal story.
This should be required listening for every American,
especially our President & Vice P.
Please take a few minutes and see what
Medal of Honor recipient did to earn the highest award.
Watch and listen until the end --------AMAZING!!!

'Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us.. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts
they perform for us in our time of need.. In Jesus Name, Amen.'


Navajo Code Talkers.

Only a handful out of hundreds!
God Bless you!!!

USMC Platoon 382
The first all Navajo Platoon
in the history of the Marine Corps

The original first 29 Navajo Code Talkers. 
Front Row/ Left to Right...
Frank D. Pete, Cpl. L.P. Kohl (Drill Instructor),
Sgt. L. J. Stephenson (Drill Instructor),
Cpl. R.J. Hayes (Drill Instructor), Wilsie H. Bitsie.
Second Row/ Left to Right...
Chester Nez, Eugene R. Crawford, John Brown Jr.,
 Cosy S. Brown, John A. Benally, Bill D. Vazzie,
Benjamin H. Cleveland,
Nelson S. Thompson. 
Third Row/ Left to Right...
Lloyd Oliver, Charlie V. Begay, William McCabe,
Oscar B. Ilthma, David Curley, Lowell S. Damon,
Balmer Slowtalker, Alfred F. Leonard, Allen D. June.
Fourth Row/ Left to Right...
James Dixon, Roy L. Begay, Johnny R. Manuelito,
Harry Tsosie, George H. Dennis, Carl N. Gorman, 
Samuel H. Begay, John Chee, Jack Nez, John Willie Jr.

Code Talkers List by tribes.

Navajo Code Talkers...
Choctaw Code Talkers...
Comanche Code Talkers...
Hopi Code Talkers...
Sioux Code Talkers...

In loving memory of all that served
and the ones who are still serving!

Click here: ? The Soldiers - Coming Home (US Version) - YouTube

Freedom Isn't Free...
Some Paid For It!

Patriotism needs to be rekindled in our schools...
I  hope this sweeps our country and gets sung in all our schools.
The music teacher wrote the song and had all the third graders sing.

From the third graders of Tussing Elementary
Colonial Heights, Virginia.
Enjoy this great message.











































Military Pictures Continue in the "Condolences" section. 
Thank You.



In Loving Memory



Please go to the"MEMORIES" section for more 
Names and Pictures of Headstones... 
Thank you!


If you would like to have your loved one added
that has passed, please do the following...

With Picture....Please Send...
A picture with or without uniform.
Full Name, Birthdate and
Deathdate if known.
These will be placed in the Galleries Section
and Condolence Section.
Headstone pictures are accepted also if you
don't have a regular picture of the person.
 They will go into...Names and Stones Section.
Also the Galleries section.

If no Picture, Name will go into the
Memories section.

Please Send....
Full Name, Branch of Service,
Rank, Birthdate
and Deathdate if Known. 

If you don't want your loved one
on our little site, feel free to email us and 
we will remove the person. 

Thank you!

Missing In Action, Prisoners Of War
Lord, I'm here to take a stand
For all those missing from our land
Missing in action, prisoners of war
Lord, bring them home to America once more.
When America needed them they were there
Lord, let us show them we care
It may not be an easy task
But let us bring them home at last.
Lord, put an end to all their turmoil
Bring back home to Americam soil
Missing in action, prisoners of war
Lord, bring them home to America once more.
Gloria J. Shuttlesworth


Your forever in our Hearts, Thoughts & Prayers.
God Bless You All. Rest In Peace for a job
well done! 








I Hear Them Calling
I hear them calling in the night
When my world is calm and quiet.
 They speak to me in words I would not hear
Yet their voices won't be silenced.
 They beseech me with whispers
Asking, "Why were we left?"
They cannot understand.
 The wind carries their questions.
 The stars shine down as tears.
 The moon becomes their faces.
 And I have no answer worth speaking.
Dennis Johnson




























Quick Gallery
Gordon W. Arnette Jul. 28, 1974 - Oct. 3, 2006 Michael J. Arrigo Dec. 30, 1980 - Apr. 29, 2006 Sgt. Andrew J. Baddick Jun. 30, 1977 - Sept. 29, 2003 Maj. Arthur D. Baker Jul. 30, 1933 - Apr. 7, 1965 Sgt. Bobby J. Barker Mar. 2, 1979 - Dec. 2, 2005 LCpl. Matthew R. Barnes Jul. 24, 1985 - Feb. 14, 2006 SSgt. Mark C. Baum Dec. 30, 1976 - Feb. 21, 2009 AFC. Austin H. G. Benson Jun. 17, 1990 - May 3, 2010 Kevin T. Bowles Feb. 10, 1971- Apr. 4, 1991 Sgt. Joseph A. Bovia Jan. 24, 1986 - Aug. 31, 2010 Sgt. David E. Bryant Nov. 15, 1948 - Oct. 19, 1970 Pfc. Damian S. Bushart May 27, 1981 - Nov. 22, 2003 Sgt. Billy W. Bushnell Jan. 27, 1983 - Apr. 21, 2007 Sgt. Frederick A. Carlson IV Sept. 1, 1980 - Mar. 25, 2006 Kurtis R. Cleaver Nov. 16, 1979 - Jun. 29, 2004